
Please note: all workshops by Loren are designed to be safe learning space for LGBTQA+ and neurodiverse individuals, and welcome open stimming, the need for physical or emotional breaks, or any other accommodations that may have affected participation in other community writing workshops.

Love, Death, and Depression: Moving Beyond Cliché in Emotional Poetry

We’re often inspired to write poetry in a highly emotional state or in response to a powerful event in our lives (aka moments of love, death, or depression!). But in this writing, we often tip into cliches, abstraction, and hyperbole that can dampen the impact of the moment we’re trying to capture. In this workshop, students learn how to recognize all three of those common traps and revise effectively. We’ll do some generative writing based on prompts that incorporate all our senses to come up with new lines, metaphors, and ideas for future poems. Geared to writers of all levels, ages 18+. Two hours, available in-person or virtual.